Good Times Wiki
"Thelma's Scholarship"
Season 2, Episode 23
Number (#36) in series (133 episodes)
Good Times episode - Thelma's Scholarship
Cindy Bradford of the Zeta Gammas Sorority Club, is sent to recruit Thelma, who was granted a scholarship to attend the prestigious Alliston School for Girls in Michigan in "Thelma's Scholarship" in Season 2
Tape date February 27, 1975
Air date: March 11, 1975
Network/Country: CBS-TV
Written by: Dick Bensfield & Perry Grant
Directed by: Herbert Kenwith
Production code: 223
IMDb logo IMDB Thelma's Scholarship
Cast Information
Starring: Esther Rolle
John Amos
Jimmie Walker
Ja'net Dubois
Bern Nadette Stanis
Ralph Carter
Guest starring: Randi Kallan
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Thelma's Scholarship is the twenty-third episode of Season 2 and the thirty-sixth series episode overall. The episode, which was written by Dick Bensfield and Perry Grant, and directed by Herbert Kenwith, first aired on CBS-TV on March 11, 1975.

Cindy Bradford recruits Thelma

Cindy tries to impress Thelma about the Theta Gammas, her sorority at the Alliston Girls' School in "Thelma's Scholarship".


Thelma has an opportunity to attend a prestigious boarding school. But when a snooty sorority girl is too insistent that Thelma join, she realizes they only want her because she's black.


Thelma has a chance of winning a scholarship to an exclusive boarding school in Michigan. However, even before she knows she has won, a snobby girl from a sorority comes around wanting Thelma to join and quickly discovers they just want her because she is black.

Plot summary[]

The family is thrilled beyond words when Thelma (BernNadette Stanis) is offered a scholarship to an exclusive -- and previously all-white -- Michigan boarding school. Still, everyone wonders just why Thelma has been afforded this rare honor. Their wondering comes to an abrupt and disturbing end when one of Thelma's snooty future classmates lets slip that the school needs to fulfill a racial quota -- in a hurry.

Guest starring[]
