Good Times Wiki

"The Politicians (a.k.a. Young vs. Old)"
Season 3, Episode 9
Number (#46) in series (133 episodes)
Tape date August 24, 1975
Air date: November 4, 1975
Network/Country: CBS-TV
Written by: Jack Elinson & Norman Paul
Directed by: Herbert Kenwith
Production code: 309
IMDb logo IMDB The Politicians (a.k.a. Young vs. Old)
Cast Information
Starring: Esther Rolle
John Amos
Jimmie Walker
Ja'net Dubois
Bern Nadette Stanis
Ralph Carter
Guest starring: Albert Reed, Jr.
Stanley Bennett Clay
Rozelle Gayle
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The Politicians is the ninth episode of Season 3 of Good Times, and the forty-sixth episode of overall. The episode was written by Jack Elinson and Norman Paul and directed by Herbert Kenwith. It aired on November 4, 1975 on CBS.


Politics tear the Evans household in half when J.J. and James are rooting for Alderman Fred Davis, while Florida, Thelma and Willona prefer his young competor.


Florida and James are on opposite sides of the political fence, and it causes problems and discussions within the family.


It may have been a political off year when this episode originally aired in 1975, but campaign fever has seized the Evans household all the same. James (John Amos) and J.J. (Jimmie Walker) intend to vote for alderman Fred Davis (Albert Reed), a veteran (and long-winded) politico with only a tenuous grasp on the issues. But Florida (Esther Rolle), Thelma (BernNadette Stanis), and Willona (Ja'net DuBois) have deserted the Davis camp and have cast their lot with the incumbent's aggressive young opponent.

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