Good Times Wiki
Michael Evans
Personal Information
Gender: Male
Age: 11-17
Born: April 2, 1962
Elementary School Student/ Middle School Student & High School Student
Related to: Florida Evans (mother)
James Evans Sr. (father)
J.J. Evans (older brother)
Thelma Evans-Anderson (older sister)
Keith Anderson (brother-in-law)

Elijah Ray Sanders Cousin

Character information
Episodes appeared in: All in series, Seasons 1-6
Character played by: Ralph Carter

Michael Evans is the youngest of the Evans' clan, the son of James Evans Sr. and Florida Evans, played by Ralph Carter on the the CBS-TV series Good Times.

About Michael[]

Michael was born in 1962 in Chicago, Illinois. He has two older siblings, his older brother J.J. and his older sister, Thelma. His father often chided him early on in the series because of his almost radical sense of black political awareness.

Smart, political, and angry about the lack of equality between blacks and whites, this preadolescent black activist is often referred to as the "militant midget." by his father. Michael makes sure his family is aware of the social injustices occurring in the streets of Chicago and the U.S. Government. He has dreams of becoming a lawyer and changing the world for the better. Though he's an "A" student, it is not uncommon for Michael to have the occasional dispute with the school administration over many of the questionable history lessons taught in school. James and Florida are often lost for words over Michael's strong revolutionary spirit, but they know his passion for justice is exactly what American society needs. He is often referred to as "Gramps" by neighbor and family friend, Willona.

In the final episode of the series, Michael attended college and decided to move into an on-campus dormitory.


  • The character is named after actor/producer/director and Good Times co-creator Mike Evans, who created the show with producer Eric Monte, and who played the part of Lionel Jefferson on two other Bud Yorkin and Norman Lear produced CBS-TV sitcoms, All In The Family and The Jeffersons.