Good Times Wiki
John Amos
James Evans, played by John Amos
Personal Information
Gender: Male
Nationality American
Nickname Dad
"Patches" (childhood nickname)
Age: 41
Born: 1932
Birthplace Mississippi
Died June 1, 1976
Deathplace Mississippi
Various, most notably, a dock worker and foundry worker
Hard-working and honest, James can only seem to find poor-paying manual-labor jobs because of his lack of a formal education
Often voices his dissatisfaction with many government policies and red tape due to the difficulty of raising a family by working numerous low-paying manual labor jobs
Spouse(s): Florida Evans (1952-1976, his death)
Related to: James Evans, Jr. ("J.J.") (oldest son)
Michael Evans (younger son)
Thelma Evans-Anderson (younger daughter)
Henry Evans (father; deceased)
Keith Anderson (son in-law)
Character information
Appeared on: Maude
Good Times
Episodes appeared in: 61 in seasons 1-3 (Good Times)
3 in seasons 1-2 (Maude)
Character played by: John Amos

James Evans, Sr. appeared in the first three seasons of Good Times, before the actor who played him, John Amos, was let go from the top-rated CBS-TV series due to ongoing disputes with the show's executive producer, Norman Lear, as to the direction the series was going in the development of the main characters, particularly that of James's son, J.J., which was played by fellow cast member Jimmie Walker. He appeared in 61 episodes during seasons 1-3 before getting killed in an automobile accident in his home state of Mississippi after entering into a partnership with his uncle in an automotive repair shop, which would have involved relocating the entire family there. He is alluded to in the 2024 animated sequel by his eventual grandson, Reggie Evans.

About James[]

James is the handsome patriarch of the Evans family. Despite being a veteran of the Korean War, he is deeply committed to doing whatever it takes to provide for his family. Hard-working, eagle-fierce, and honest, James can only seem to find poor-paying manual-labor jobs because of his lack of a formal education, only having made it to the sixth grade, having to drop out to work and support his family. The difficulties he endures while keeping a roof over his family's head leave him dissatisfied with many government policies. He maintains his dignity and is a pillar of strength, even while struggling to raise his family amid the poverty of the Chicago projects. James is a strict disciplinarian who makes it a priority to teach responsibility and values, and he loves his children more than anything else. Between seeking employment, paying the rent, and keeping food on the table, James manages to find the time to interrogate Thelma's boyfriends, tune in to Michael's political arguments, and keep a close watch on J.J.'s increasingly shady antics.

In the Season 2 episode "The Houseguest" (episode #20), James welcomes his childhood pal Ernie Harris (Thalmus Rasulala) into the Evans household. Ernie regales the family with old childhood stories of he and James, whom he used to call "Patches" growing up, as James claimed that he was "the poorest kid on the block", as he said while other kids had "patches on their clothes", he had "patches on his patches!"
